Date: Thu Nov 30, 2000 8:01am After four years on paxil, I was tired of the huge weight gain, I was tired of not feeling, I was tired of the fog and distance it put me from my life. I lost my father last month after a very long and painful time, but it was like I was an observer, not a participant. For two weeks, I took paxil every other day, then last Monday, I stopped. It probably wasn't the best way and it has been a nightmare ever since. Extreme flue like symptoms, fever, vomiting, diarrea, chills, hot flashes, ect. When I stand, I am dizzy, when my husband starts talking, I seem to snap at odd points in our conversations. I have no great will to do anything. I found the paxil message board the other night, which led me to this group. Uncontrollable crying seems to be the worst, and the visions in my head that won't allow sleep. I was so despondant the other night, visions of putting my husbands hunting rifle into my mouth were an odd comfort, this frightened me like no other symptom had. Logically I knew that this was not something I could or wanted to do, I knew that I had to reach out to others with the same experiences and the knowledge to help me. Thankfully that picture has gone, but I fear that in a weak moment, well, I just fear the weak moments. I know that quitting cold turkey is not good, but circumstances that they are for me right now, I had to start feeling, even if it was painful. If you cant tell, this is a good moment right now, I am physically feeling miserable, but I am feeling, this must be the beginning. Anonymous